Florist Colchester Essex, flower shop colchester essex,







Beautiful Flowers for Every Occasion


Having a reputation as being one of the most prestigious and luxurious flower shops in Colchester Essex, distinguished for our sophisticated and chic designs we are committed to creating show stopping displays and gifts that excites the eye and stimulates the senses.

The Floral Art Studio, your florist in Little Bromley, specialises in Flower Bouquets for all occasions, wedding flowers, funeral flowers and a wide range of Flower Workshops.

We always aim to exceed your expectations with all your flower requests. Please see our FLOWER GIFT selection guide for ideas and designs. Daily, personal, hand delivered flower gifts to all areas. When you are looking for a Local Florist in Colchester, Manningtree, Dedham, Clacton, Wivenhoe, Ardleigh, Brightlinsea, Mistley and surrounding towns and villages, visit the Floral Art Studio. You can find more details on our delivery services here.

Located only 5 miles from the main port for most Dutch flower importers we have the benefit of having the choice of the freshest and best flowers EVERY day before the rest of the country is even awake.

Having such a long history in the flower industry has given us the opportunity to build friendships and gain trust with many flower growers and Dutch importers allowing us to be completely confident and proud of the quality and freshness of all our flowers and plants we obtain for our customers and clients.

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